Black Russian e White Russian compartilham uma origem comum no final dos anos 1940, quando o barman belga Gustave Tops inventou o Black Russian misturando vodka e licor de cafe. Mais tarde, a adicao de creme levou a criacao do White Russian. O Black Russian caracteriza-se por ser uma bebida mais simples feita apenas com vodca e licor de cafe, enquanto o White Russian, feito com os mesmos ingredientes, mas com a adicao de creme ou leite. O White Russian ganhou popularidade na decada de 1990 depois de aparecer no filme "O Grande Lebowski". Hoje, ambos continuam a ser os favoritos, com o Black Russian oferecendo um sabor mais forte e ousado, e o White Russian oferecendo um toque cremoso e indulgente.
The Black Russian and White Russian cocktails share a common origin in the late 1940s, when Belgian bartender Gustave Tops invented the Black Russian by mixing vodka and coffee liqueur. Later, the addition of cream led to the creation of the White Russian. The Black Russian is a simpler drink made with just vodka and coffee liqueur, while the White Russian is made with the same ingredients but with the addition of cream or milk. The White Russian gained popularity in the 1990s after being featured in the movie "The Big Lebowski." Today, both cocktails continue to be favorites, with the Black Russian offering a stronger, bolder flavor, and the White Russian offering a creamy and indulgent twist.